The HoneyBee

An attempt to rediscover and celeberate positivity in our lives gaining inspiration from the leadership of Prophet (SAW) and his family (as).

No wonder Allah inspired the honeybee and has put cure in it.

About  THE

The HoneyBee Initiative (HBI) is a non-profit effort to contribute to the well being of orphans in terms of their competencies, financial capabilities, well being, unlocking their potential and safeguarding their future growth.

While the Effort will primarily work on the profits made from the sale of the book The HoneyBee, any other donations to the cause will also be welcomed.

"To create a world where every orphaned child feels loved, supported, and empowered to realize their full potential."

About Author
While writing this book, I drew inspiration from the Quran, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and his Family, known as the People of the House (Ahlulbayt), as they were the only ones purified from all impurities (rijs).
In The HoneyBee, my aim is to inspire one person and one person alone, recognizing that even a small change in an individual towards becoming a better human being can have a profound generational impact over the next 10,000 years of our evolution. The butterfly effect will then magnify these impacts to universal levels. You will discover more about this concept as you progress through the pages of this book.

Committed to Making a Difference

The HoneyBee is a non-profit effort where all profits from the sale of the book will go to the cause of The HoneyBee Foundation

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“To create a world where every orphaned child feels loved, supported, and empowered to realize their full potential.”
The Book

The HoneyBee

Allah in his wisdom has decorated his earth with flora, and scattered within it fauna, each of which has a duty to perform. There are more than 8 million known species of flora (plant life) and fauna (animal life). Just to put things into perspective to comprehend the vastness of the knowledge and creation, there are 45,000 known species of spiders alone on this Earth. And as we know, Earth is just one planet, in the solar system, and the solar system is just one star / planetary system amongst the billions in the milky way and the milky way is just one galaxy amongst the billions of galaxies in our super cluster and so on so forth, and who knows, in one of many multiverses.
But in the vastness of the universe(s), the smallest of insects has a part to play in the balance of nature and its scheme.
Allah has sent his revelations to his prophets and messengers. But Allah also revealed to an insect.
“And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build: Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it a beverage of many colours, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect”
[Quran 16:68 – 69]
About us

The HoneyBee Foundation

The HoneyBee Foundation (HBF) is a non-profit effort to contribute to the well being of orphans in terms of their competencies, financial capabilities, well being, unlocking their potential and safeguarding their future growth.
While the Effort will primarily work on the profits made from the sale of the book The HoneyBee, any other donations to the cause will also be welcomed.
The revenues of the HBF effort will be from the sale of the book The HoneyBee (please buy it and contribute to the cause while you elevate your self spiritually through the book, clean your finances as well) and from the donations received. This income will be used to improve the lives of orphans (in need of education, jobs, marriage, fiscal support) but through the connections of the HBF effort (within the professional circle, lawyers, doctors, corporate leaders, vendors and suppliers, life coaches, etc to contribute to the cause.
The HBF effort while discourages “donating” cash or cash equivalent to orphans, does not rule out its possibility and will decide the same on case to case basis.
The Prophet (SAW) said, “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in paradise like this,” putting his index and middle fingers together.